Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mid-Life Crisis?

So I think I've recently freaked David out a lil with my behavior. Have I already hit mid-life enough to have a crisis? Haha! I am just way excited cuz I got a new tattoo and I love it! It's Harley's paw prints. I got an ink pad and printed his paw and then we shrunk them down to have this cute new tattoo! So they're his real paw prints :) I love it! The other picture is of Harley laying in front of the fireplace. See...he is the cutest!


Katie said...

HAHAHAHAHa nice almost crotch shot! Your dog is cute.... him and my dog would be great friends I'm sure!!! hehe

The Nielsen's said...

Very Cute!

Lisa said...

Katie, Harley is friends with no one! lol

Marianne, I agree that you're having a mid-life crisis, but ain't it fun!

Anna said...

That is so cute. You will always have that bit if your furbaby!